Cause of Our Suffering
By H.H Sushri Dr. Vishakha Tripathi Ji
There is a very popular saying in the world – As you sow, so shall you reap. Our scriptures declare that there are 8.4 million species of life that the individual soul revolves in, life after life, governed by the law of karma. Out of these 8.4 million, it is only in the human form that we have the freedom to perform actions. In all other species, you merely reap the consequences of your past actions.
So what sort of actions should we perform? Prashna Upanishad (3.7) gives us a clue by stating that whatever actions we perform, we alone will have to bear the consequences – good or bad.
There are three kinds of actions – accumulative, destined and present. Our accumulative actions are the unlimited stock of our past actions over innumerable past lives. The consequences of a portion of all this is given in each life as our destined actions, and we must bear them in the present life. And then there are actions that we can perform anew in this life with our own free will. So there are some actions that we perform due to our inherent nature, and some that are like term deposits with long maturity dates that pass over to other lives. We call that destiny.
Our destiny therefore is nothing but the results of our past actions performed with the freedom of will in past lives. In other words, we are products of the past and producers of the future. In fact, our future is nothing but the past modified by the present. In this way, we get what we earn -no more no less.
We can now see that crying out aghast when something happens contrary to our own liking is really just an expression of our own ignorance of the law of karma. We hear people blaming God or cursing God for something happening in their life, accusing Him of being unjust. The fact is that we ourselves have brought whatever is happening in this life onto ourselves. God is in no way responsible for our sorrow or suffering.
The science behind karma is straightforward. God empowers our senses and we are the directors of them. Katha Upanishad (1.4-8) states that it is God who gives the power of speech to the tongue, the power of sight to the eyes and the power of hearing to the ears, etc., but He never interferes in how we choose to use them. We have the freedom to perform any action, and while we do, He impartially acts as a judge noting all our actions of each and every moment and dispensing the fruits accordingly (Gita 5.14, 5.15) Misery, sorrow and suffering encountered in our present life is simply the outcome of our own doings.
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*जगद्गुरु श्री कृपालु जी महाराज का संक्षिप्त परिचय *
जगद्गुरु श्री कृपालु जी महाराज को काशी विद्वत् परिषद् द्वारा 14 जनवरी, सन् 1957 में जगद्गुरु की मूल उपाधि से विभूषित किया गया। आपने ‘प्रेम रस मदिरा’, ‘प्रेम रस सिद्धांत’ और ‘राधा गोविन्द गीत’ जैसे अनेक दिव्य ग्रंथों की रचना की है जो संपूर्ण विश्व को भक्ति करने की सही राह दिखा रहे हैं। आपके द्वारा विश्व को दी गई अनमोल धरोहरों में भक्ति धाम मनगढ़ स्थित – भक्ति मंदिर, वृन्दावन धाम स्थित – प्रेम मंदिर और बरसाना धाम स्थित – कीर्ति मंदिर आदि प्रमुख हैं। जगद्गुरु श्री कृपालुजी महाराज ने गरीबों, असहायों और साधु-सन्तों की चिकित्सीय सेवा हेतु अलग-अलग स्थानों पर पूर्णतः निःशुल्क, पूर्ण सुसज्जित चिकित्सालयों की स्थापना की है। प्रथम-जगद्गुरु कृपालु चिकित्सालय, भक्ति धाम- मनगढ़, कुण्डा, जिला-प्रतापगढ़, उ.प्र., द्वितीय- रँगीली महल, बरसाना और तृतीय वृन्दावन, जिला-मथुरा, उ.प्र., जहाँ प्रतिदिन हज़ारों रोगियों को स्वास्थ्य लाभ मिल रहा है। कल्याण एवं परोपकार के उद्देश्य से ही गरीब ग्रामीण बालिकाओं के लिये नर्सरी से लेकर एम.ए., बी.एड. तक की शिक्षा हेतु जगद्गुरु कृपालु महिला महाविद्यालय, कुण्डा, जिला-प्रतापगढ़, उ.प्र. की भी स्थापना की गई है, जहाँ हज़ारों बालिकाओं को पूर्णतः निःशुल्क शिक्षा एवं आर्थिक सहयोग प्रदान किया जा रहा है। अतः ‘जगद्गुरु कृपालु परिषत्’ गरीबों, असहायों की सेवा के लिये सदैव ही समर्पित है और रहेगी।
*A brief introduction of Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj*
(Known by His devotees as Shri Maharajji)
The original title of Jagadguruttam (‘Greatest Spiritual Teacher of the World’) was bestowed upon Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj on January 14, 1957 by ‘Kashi Vidvat Parishad’ (a council of 500 greatest scholars saints of India). He composed divine texts like ‘Prem Ras Madira’, ‘Prem Ras Siddhant’, and ‘Radha Govind Geet’ to lead us on the right path of devotion. He also gave priceless monuments as gifts to the world which include - Bhakti Mandir located in Bhakti Dham, Mangarh, Prem Mandir located in Vrindavan Dham, and Kirti Mandir located in Barsana Dham. Shri Maharajji also built hospitals for the impoverished, the Jagadguru Kripalu Chikitsalaya in Vrindavan, Jagadguru Kripalu Chikitsalaya in Barsana, and another one in Pratapgarh. All three help millions of underprivileged to gain free access to medical care. His Kindergarten, School, and College for impoverished girls Jagadguru Kripalu Parishat Education is located in Kunda and provides completely free education.