Where does the soul go after death?

Speech by Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj
Whatever actions the soul performs determine the outcomes it faces and its ultimate destination after death. An ignorant person cannot decide where the soul will go after the body perishes. At best, one can speculate based on their deeds – good actions will lead you to favorable destinations, while bad actions will result in suffering in lower realms.
These abodes are categorized into different levels, with varying degrees of heaven and 28 stages of hell. Similarly, even in this world, we witness differences in the conditions and circumstances of individuals.
Therefore, no one can predict a soul’s journey since each soul carries infinite past actions, known as Sanchit Karma. A portion of this, called Prarabdha, is assigned to the soul in each life. The actions performed in the present life are known as Kriyaman Karma. There are three types of karma in total. Sanchit Karma is limitless, while Prarabdha is finite. It is beyond human intellect to understand which combination of past and present actions God will assign to determine our fate after death.
Human beings should aim to perform actions that transcend the duality of good and bad, as everyone seeks liberation from suffering and the attainment of happiness – innate desires of every soul. Ultimate happiness is attainable solely through Shri Krishna Bhakti. Therefore, we should focus on performing Bhakti to Shri Krishna alone, as no other action can free us from suffering.
There is only one path that liberates us from Maya. The scriptures state that one who practices Shri Krishna Bhakti receives His Grace, and only then does the soul become free from Maya. All other actions lead to worldly or heavenly rewards but do not liberate us from Maya.
In the same way, just as we observe differences in this world – some people being wealthy while others are poor, some being attractive while others are average-looking – similar variations exist in celestial abodes as well. The grandeur of celestial realms may appear superior, but the level of happiness experienced remains the same. A cow derives as much joy from eating fresh grass as a person does from enjoying a delicious rasgulla (dessert), and likewise, celestial beings experience the same pleasure when consuming elixir.
That is why the Vedas and scriptures condemn the celestial abodes. There is one feature that sets the celestial abode apart from this world – the celestial beings cannot perform any new actions. They can only enjoy the rewards of their past actions. For example, if you were to deposit 100,000 rupees in the bank and then quit your job, withdrawing 1,000 rupees per month, you would be broke in a hundred months. After that, if you went to the bank to withdraw more money, they would turn you away. Similarly, in the celestial abodes, one only enjoys the rewards of past actions.
However, in this world, we have the ability to perform new actions, which is why even celestial beings long to be born as human beings. They realize their mistake in focusing solely on karma and dharma, which led them to the heavenly abodes. Just like a bank balance that eventually runs out, their rewards for good deeds also get exhausted. When that happens, they are sent back into the cycle of birth, possibly as a dog, cat, donkey, or other forms of life.
Once we attain a human body, we have the unique ability to perform actions that transcend the concepts of good and bad. By practicing Shri Krishna Bhakti, we can free ourselves from all the afflictions of Maya. This liberation allows us to break free from Maya permanently, ensuring that we never have to return to this material world again.
Therefore, rather than thinking about where the soul goes after death, we should focus on performing actions that will lead us beyond this world of Maya, so that we do not have to return. Shri Krishna said in the Gita, “The place from where you do not have to return (to the world of Maya) and where you find eternal happiness is My abode” (God’s abode).
The key is to understand what steps we must take to reach God’s abode. And, if we are unable to achieve this goal in this lifetime, we will still be granted a human body in our next life, giving us an opportunity to continue on our spiritual journey. We will keep receiving the human form until we fulfill our ultimate purpose. However, if we neglect to practice Bhakti to Shri Krishna, we may not be granted the human body anytime soon, which we have been blessed with as a result of our past virtuous actions.
One attains the human body only after countless lifetimes of wandering through the 8.4 million life forms. Therefore, we should strive to perform actions that ensure we at least secure a human body in our next life. If someone claims to be too busy or feels helpless to practice Bhakti, they should still make an effort, even if minimal, to ensure a human body in their next birth. If they cannot engage in even a little sadhana, then all other life forms, apart from the human body, are essentially a waste. No other physical form has the capacity to perform new actions and make spiritual progress.
Of all the 8.4 million life forms, only human beings are granted the right to perform actions, including celestial beings. This right is exclusive to humans. We must understand and perform only those actions prescribed in the Vedas and the Scriptures, not those actions that we personally deem to be right.
For example, if we tell the worldly government that we will follow the rules based on our own common sense, the government will not excuse any offences committed under this reasoning. The government will respond by saying, “Since you live in our country and we provide so much for public welfare, you are obligated to follow the rules set by us. And if you fail to follow these rules, you will face punishment.”
Therefore, we must understand the true definition of karma according to the Vedas and the scriptures. Most of the time, what we do based on our senses will be misguided. Sometimes, it may seem right, but it is unreliable. How sharp is our intellect, really? Much of what we have learned since birth has come from friends, books, or misguided sources.
Only Saints and God can truly speak and write what is true and correct. Therefore, it is essential for us to understand and follow what they have written about the rules, the right actions, and the correct path to take. While human beings perform actions to sustain the body, all other actions driven by the senses are not helpful in the journey toward God.
To attain spiritual benefit, Bhakti must be practiced with the mind. Actions driven solely by the senses hold no true value. The highest forms of action are those performed with Shri Krishna firmly rooted in the heart and mind.
*A brief introduction of Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj*
(Known by His devotees as Shri Maharaj Ji)
The original title of Jagadguruttam (Greatest Spiritual Teacher of the World) was bestowed upon Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj on January 14, 1957, by Kashi Vidvat Parishad (a council of 500 greatest scholars saints of India). He composed divine texts like Prem Ras Madira, Prem Ras Siddhant, and Radha Govind Geet to lead us on the right path of devotion. He also gave priceless monuments as gifts to the world which include Bhakti Mandir located in Bhakti Dham, Mangarh, Prem Mandir located in Vrindavan Dham, and Kirti Mandir located in Barsana Dham. Shri Maharaj Ji also built hospitals for the impoverished, the Jagadguru Kripalu Chikitsalaya in Vrindavan, Jagadguru Kripalu Chikitsalaya in Barsana, and another one in Pratapgarh. All three help millions of underprivileged to gain free access to medical care. His Kindergarten, School, and College for impoverished girls Jagadguru Kripalu Parishat Education is located in Kunda and provides completely free education.